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Rebirth is one of the secrets of the Bible. The good news is, that it’s there for everybody too reach. The writer AllemiaZ has been going through the process of rebirth and wants to share this experience with you. May the Holy Spirit guide you and help you on your travels in the footsteps of our good Lord Jesus.

In John 3: 3 we can read that you must be born again in order to enter God’s Kingdom. We get the Kingdom in sight, but we are not there yet. This is described in John 14:21 when God establishes that you live as the Father likes, and the Son strongly reveals Himself to you. It is further described in the Bible as: the baptism with blood and Spirit = the baptism with the Spirit = Spiritual circumcision (Jeremiah 4: 4 and 9:25) = the justification = the wedding with Jesus = the meal for which a guest (witness ) is invited = may eat solid (Spiritual) food = being chosen = take off old clothes and put on new clothes = take off the old nature as if it were old clothes, and put on a new nature as one puts on new clothes = rebirth.

After being born again, it is very important that the Holy Spirit starts to grow in us. After all, we were only baptized with it, and from that moment on we are only in the court of God’s house with our brothers and sisters.

The Holy Spirit, His work, and the growth of the fruit of Him, are described in the Bible as, or through: Father forgive us as we forgive others, lead us not into temptation (both from the ‘Lord’s Prayer’), ‘may the Spirit grow in you’ (Paul in the book of Romans, where, among others, the Corinthians are still fed with milk), vines without fruit that are pruned (Jeremiah and John 15), The lamp of the ten brides is the Holy Spirit , the oil in the lamp stands for the fruit of the Spirit (after all, without oil the lamp does not burn), the light that the lamp gives is the inspiration of the Spirit (the more oil, the better the lighting and this also helps you to understand the Bible better, the Spirit also gives us God’s wisdom), The Holy Spirit also gives the ‘living water’ (John 7:38, and Jesus speaks about this to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:10), the fruit(s) of the Spirit as they are literally mentioned in the Word and also that these are visible or become so for your fellow man in daily life (all good qualities in a human being) and finally you can assume from me that the one who has the fruit come to fruition, also walks around in the full armour of God.

When Jesus tells someone in the Bible, ‘go and sin no more’, that is not a threat or warning. He said that simply because He knew how powerful the Holy Spirit was after He put it in man. And it still is. The Holy Spirit becomes so strong in you after rebirth that you have to do your best to start sinning. Please note, I am talking about a growth process here. The greater the Spirit can grow in you, the stronger the guidance of the Spirit becomes.When Moses came down from the mountain with the tables of the Ten Commandments, and saw how the people were guilty of wrongdoing, he broke those tables. Later, Jesus did another similar thing, when He raged in the temple against the money changers and the other merchants who had defiled God’s house, also turning the tables upside down. Your body is also a temple, for the Holy Spirit dwells in it. In any case, make sure that all furniture in your temple is allowed to remain upright. Pray to the Father for this.

About Us

We are only a small group of enlightened souls, driven by His Word and thoughts which we trace back to Him. We think the Bible is the inspiring, infallible true Word of God.We believe there is one infinite God made up of the Holy Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that one at the least must be born again in order to reach the Kingdom of God; John 3:3. After rebirth, God gives us ears to hear (read the Bible) and eyes to see (feel the Holy Spirit). In order to read the Bible properly, we think, eyes and ears must be in balance. After rebirth the Holy Spirit provided this to our writer AllemiaZ, and during a following proces also something else happened. That what is described in John 7:38. This whole process resulted in the writing of three booklets written on the subject. Reading this three booklets one will notice a certain development in the writers vision on things. It seems that God, or in this case the Holy Spirit, provides us with knowledge and wisdom in multiple steps (three). As a further result this website had to be created. The writers name, an alias, was created for two reasons. Because of privacy reasons, but also because all that was written cannot be accredited solely to the man behind the alias. ‘Often it felt like I was only there to hold the pen’, is one of AllemiaZ’s statements on the creation of the booklets and the website. This also provides us with knowledge of how small man is, and it explains the all mightiness of our Creator.

Booklets of AllemiaZ

Being born again as in John 14:21 is one thing, but after that unique experience several other events followed in the the writer’s life. That what is described in John 7:38 happened, and all the information that was put in the writer’s mind had to be shared with all who’s interested in the Word of God. This resulted in the writing of three book(let)s, of which currently two are available as paper back or eBook in English language. Reading these books you will notice that the writer developed in faith and facts-knowing during the process. Conformation of facts often appeared later to AllemiaZ while reading the Bible. This all complies with the way the Holy Spirit grows and works is us humans after being born again. Not all is given to us at once but all will be given to us piece by piece.

What is wisdom

Summary What is wisdom

The power of God manifests itself in you as the Holy Spirit who guides you to His Word and through the Bible; the spiritual book of all times.

To walk the way, in the footsteps of Jesus described in the Bible, you must abandon identification with your analytic mind and the false self, the ego, created thereby. We are not our thinking. We can free ourselves from psychological pain. The authentic power of the Holy Spirit is only mobilized by surrendering to God. With Him we find joy and are able to embrace ourselves as part of Him.

Only the Holy Spirit can help us become “whole” and “perfect”. The greatest blockages are our own ego and the pull of earthly pleasures. Many will find after reading this book, as they read the Bible, that the inspiration of the Holy Spirit contributes to our wisdom and awareness, and through this enlightenment we are able to experience more love. Through the growing inspiration provided by the Holy Spirit, we can experience the reality of things like “surrender” and, “forgiveness.” Only when we open up to God we can achieve a great deal in our spiritual life.

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Parables explained

(addition to ‘What is wisdom’ and ‘The path’)

The overview on the left side is a representation of a number of parables from the Bible. It shows how the righteous soul can eventually attain God’s Kingdom through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The overview has been made to accompany the booklets; “What is wisdom” and ‘The path’, and also is a connection between these two. It was also the Holy Spirit who inspired and gave insight’s to make this overview.

The path

Summary The path

The path, the road to His kingdom can be extracted from the Bible in several ways. The only thing we need tot locate and follow that path is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit provides us with the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and in a later stage with the water that gives life; the living water. In this second booklet on the subject rebirth you might find enough motivating items to start asking Abba to help you to get born again in your prayers. Being born again is the only chance for us to get a view on the Kingdom. That is where you are being taken upon the mountain… Please also have a look at the two images on this website who will help you to understand better what the meaning is of several verses and quotes in the Holy Bible.

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Overview 2, What all happens

The overview on the left side is a representation of a number of Bible texts. It shows how bloodlines of families were maintained, and what this indicates for the way the ‘good news’ is supposed to be spread around the world by individuals and by the communities. Most important is the difference between marrying and the final wedding party. During the interval between those two events fruits must grow. The wedding party equals rebirth and and is also the time one is declared ‘righteous’.

Learning how to read

Summary Learning how to read

Being born again, we walk in the spirit. Our downfall to the underworld was caused by, and happened in, the flesh. The way back up the mountain, there where we find God, is a spiritual path. This third book is about the way back up. The Holy Spirit will grow in you, and the fruits of the Spirit that grow in you will be noticed by the people you meet in your every day life. The content of this book will make clear the things one has to do, or can expect, while climbing up. The end conclusion will come not as a surprise for everyone. It shows also that there is no end to the Bible. It is more like a never ending story, with conformations for de Old Testament found in the New Testament and vice versa.

This book has not been published yet.


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